Video Library and Short Essays

For Family and Romantic Partners

When a loved-one has traits of Borderline Personality

About Us is a video library of is a co-op of family, friends, and relationship partners of individuals with borderline personality disorder from all walks of life. has 100,000 alumni and members. Each day more than 4,500 individuals visit the web sites, blog, and message-boards to read and post. 42% stay for more than an hour.

This site is operated by volunteers. Members of the operating committee include community leaders, businessmen, clergy, healthcare workers, teachers, parents and others. Members of the operating committee are not affiliated with any companies or products or services targeted at this audience.


To provide educational and emotional support to family, friends, and relationship partners of individuals with borderline personality disorder, emotional regulation disorder. Information found on the blog is designed to support, not to replace the relationship between patient and their physician or other healthcare professional.  Communications to should be addressed to:


Facing the Facts / is accredited by The Health on the Net Foundation. The Health On the Net Foundation is an NGO in special consultive status with the economic and social councils of the United Nations. The HON Foundation is the leading organization promoting and guiding the deployment of useful and reliable online medical and health information, and its appropriate and efficient use. The Health On the Net Foundation has elaborated the Code of Conduct to help standardize the reliability of medical and health information available on the World-Wide Web.  This Code of Conduct (HONcode) for medical and health Web sites addresses one of Internet's main healthcare issues - the reliability and credibility of information.


Facing the Facts / is recommended resource of The Personality Disorders Awareness Network (PDAN). PDAN was established in 2001 as a non-profit organization dedicated to increasing public awareness about the impact of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) on children, and on relationships. The PDAN mission is to encourage, sponsor, and financially support projects related to assisting those in relationships with individuals with BPD. PDAN resources encourage an atmosphere of respect and compassion for those suffering with the illness, while acknowledging the emotional distress and impairment in everyday functioning of those individuals in relationships with someone with BPD. BPD editor, Kristalyn Salters-Pedneault, PhD., lists Facing the Facts / as a recommended resource for families. Dr. Salters-Pedneault is a research associate of the National Center for PTSD Behavioral Science Division at the VA Boston Healthcare System, as well as an instructor of psychiatry at the Boston University School of Medicine. Dr. Salters-Pedneault conducts research that focuses on emotional processing and fear learning in traumatized populations and has received research funding from the National Institute of Mental Health.


Facing the Facts is a valuable Web site dedicated to those who cope with individuals with
Borderline Personality. It offers fresh and practical ways to cope with those who express this
difficult to comprehend disorder. Facing the Facts helps us understand those whom we may love,
yet who push us away. And it helps us better understand others, and ourselves, as well.
~ Jerold J. Kreisman, MD, author of "I Hate You, Don't Leave Me"

I really like this web site. Especially the video, it was really thoughtful and reflective. Calm water in a stormy sea. I found this site helpful, wise and considered. Thanks. Keep up the good work.
~James Saunders at Oxford University Press

If family members feel like they're walking on eggshells, Facing the Facts gives them sturdy,
comfortable boots to protect them from those sharp, white edges. This site's founders have assembled the articles, message board, and other resources with great care to help families learn
about BPD and get back on their feet and feel good about themselves again!
~ Randi Kreger, author of "The Essential Family Guide", and "Stop Walking on Eggshells" 

This outstanding Web site not only facilitates the much needed peer support for partners and
family members of Borderlines - Facing the Facts also provides a superior collection of
educational material from experts. Comfort and healing are available here."
~ Lynn Melville, author of "Boomerang Love"

I am very impressed with the resources and the supportive atmosphere here at Facing the Facts.
It is a valuable resource for the many people trying to navigate a relationship with a parent with
~ Kimberlee Roth, co-author of "Surviving A Borderline Parent"

There is hope if you are in a BP relationship. Knowledge, support, and a willingness to change
are the keys. I recommend beginning your journey with Facing the Facts. I am very impressed
with this site. It is a great tool.
~Susan Peabody, author of "Addiction to Love"

Nothing will empower you more than a greater understanding. Facing the Facts is a great starting
gate from which to journey further into the world of taking care of yourself.
~A.J. Mahari, author of "The Legacy of Abandonment in BPD"


This site is funded by private donations and operated by volunteers. The operating committee
(e.g. owners, administrators, staff members, and regular members) are not financially
compensated for their participation. The site does employ, from time to time, programming
contractors to handle technical matters that are beyond the scope of the volunteers.


This site does not accept advertising placements or display commercial content. The listings of
clinics, rehabilitation centers, books (and points of purchase), articles, links, and other resources are provided for the convenience of the reader; this site generates no revenue or special considerations from such references. Data provided by members is not used any commercial
undertaking. There are no editorial content considerations given to donors.


The editorial content on this site is determined by the operating committee. Member input is
encouraged in the form of readership critiques, content recommendations, and polls. The listing
of books, articles, links, and other resources on this site is provided on a content basis only -
there are no editorial content considerations given to donors.


By posting on, and/or, the
author agrees that, for any content authored or owned by the author, the author automatically
grants to all other message board participants, and any other person or entity affiliated with the
message board, a perpetual, royalty-free, irrevocable and unrestricted worldwide right and license
to use, reproduce, and distribute the posted content for the limited purposes of discussion and


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